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You can plan exponential growth.

In this book, I outline a 4-Part approach to thinking smarter about growth as a CPG entrepreneur. It is based on years of anthropological research into how and why consumers pay for premium-priced CPG items and intensive 4P pattern analysis among an elite club of premium CPG brands that all reached $100M+ in less than a decade.

UPDATED AND EXPANDED EDITION now available in ebook, print and audio formats

Praise for Ramping Your Brand

“Learn how to scale the right way. Read this book.”

Co-founder and CEO of Dude Wipes

“This book illuminates both the strategy and the tactics that can put a CPG entrepreneur on the path to success.”

Howard H. Stevenson Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School

“Ramping Your Brand is required reading for any emerging challenger brand. These insights and principles were key to our acceleration.”

Co-founder and CEO of Once Upon a Farm

“The only book you need for scaling a CPG brand from 0-$100M+.”

Co-founder and CEO of Earth Breeze

“When anyone asks me for advice, I first tell them to READ THIS BOOK.”

Co-founder of Riverside Natural Foods, maker of Made Good

“This book is our playbook for domination—a masterclass in scaling fast and sustainably.”

Co-founder of CHEERS

“There hasn’t been one book yet that can be a Founder’s Bible… until now.”

Good Alpha Industries, former CMO Fuze/Coca-Cola

“James writing is entertaining yet sharp and will have you hooked whether you’re an entrepreneur, an investor, or an operator.”

Former President of Mars Food Americas and Angel Investor

“This book is our playbook for domination—a masterclass in scaling fast and sustainably.”

Co-founder, PerfectTed

“A rich source of insights and pragmatic advice for insurgent brands to reach their true potential.”

CEO, Trü Frü

 The Book Trailer

Is your brand riding the Ramp?


I want to democratize access to early stage growth wisdom.

In an era when retailers are more open to emerging CPG brands than ever before, barriers to entry have come way down. But this has not changed the rate of failure among new CPG brands. The laws of early stage growth remain the same. Do you understand them?

I’ve spent years studying early stage CPG brands’ growth curves, go-to-market strategies and product design cues to help aggregate known patterns of competitive behavior that yield exponential growth. You must be disciplined. But, you can plan exponential growth in a crowded marketplace.

1. Designing to Command a Premium

This is where many founders fail without realizing it. There is a cultural logic behind premium products that grow extremely fast. You should learn it.

2. Managing A Small Experiment

Don’t hit the gas too early. Successful CPG startups manage a rolling, iterative experiment until key KPIs appear. You should learn this art.

3. Fine Tuning the Conversion Playbook

Steady velocity growth is essential to ramping your brand.Your team needs to learn the art of sustaining it in key geographies, so that you don’t have to buy premature distribution to obtain growth.

4. Accelerating to Scale

There are three best practices in acceleration. Two of them are counter-intuitive to CPG veterans not expert in the ramping of premium CPG businesses. You need to learn how to deploy them.

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